The “Atomic Habits” method of self-development.


I understand that it’s about making small but consistent changes that compound over time, but I can’t quite seem to grasp how to put it into action. For some reason, no one who discusses gives an example of how they use it, say, in their morning routine. It’s supposed to be so simple, so I’m not sure why I’m having difficulty getting it.

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s hard for me to give a universal example because everyone is different, but here are some things I did to make small changes in my eating habits:

+ always sit down when I eat
+ always have a drink when I eat. This later evolved to two drinks (one water and one of something else)
+ get seconds instead of one big helping

Just those changes took months to get used to but they made me feel so much better! What I did was pick just one teensy thing I wished I did less or more, and once that change was cemented, pick another small thing. And I’m still changing small things! The next is to downsize my pasta portion from 1/3 of a box at a time to 1/4. I think the prerequisite is to be mindful, or aware of every single teeny tiny thing that you’re doing.

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