The Byford Dolphin Incident: How do you get sucked into something so strongly by a change of air from 9 atmospheres of pressure to 1?


Please somebody know what I’m talking about. If not, then please see the diving bell incident in the link provided below. I just don’t see how you are killed by air.

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The best way to think of it is to think of the “weight” of air. 1 atm is how heavy all the air molecules are above you at sea level. It doesn’t seem like a lot but it is actually just under 15 lbs. So multiply that by 9 and you get 135 lbs. That’s 135lbs of force being applied to every square inch of a person.

This is essentially the same as an explosion. Which is why these events are known as explosive decompression.

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