the difference between being shy, introvert, antisocial, asocial and having social anxiety


the difference between being shy, introvert, antisocial, asocial and having social anxiety

In: Other

5 Answers

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A person who is shy would like to join in. (Really wants to join in, but is embarrassed/anxious/nervous/uncomfortable)

A person who is an introvert wants to go home. (Prefers to spend time alone, can’t relax easily in public, needs to “recharge his batteries” by himself. Still comes to the party because that’s where his friends are)

A person who is antisocial is about to loudly declare he hates all of you, and if the circumstances were lined up correctly, he would probably kill all of you if he was sure he could get away with it. (Disregards others emotions, thoughts, desires, and needs. Often unable to tell right from wrong)

A person who is asocial was invited, but declined to RSVP. (Avoids social interactions because he prefers solitude)

A person who has social anxiety showed up, but is too anxious to join the fun, and has spent most of their visit playing with your cat and only talking to you. Or they may have canceled last minute for the 12th time that month. (Totally cool with showing up and being present, but has difficulty with social interactions, especially in groups. Often alright with one-on-one interactions.)

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