the difference between dropshipping and a normal everyday store


From what I understand, dropshipping is when someone buys items wholesale from Alibaba or other places where manufacturing is cheap, and then resells the items online for a markup.

Is this not the same as a normal store? They buy wholesale items from manufacturers and resell them for profit.

Does dropshipping have something to do with quality of the product or am I misunderstanding what dropshipping is?

In: 4

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re misunderstanding.

Dropshipping is when someone accepts an order from their storefront and uses the order to place an order with some other storefront. The order is shipped directly from the second vendor to the purchaser, and the dropshipper never has the product in stock or even handles it themselves.

For example, you order something from me. I go and order it from Amazon and have it shipped to your house. That’s dropshipping, as opposed to a normal store where I’d have it in stock and ship it to you myself.

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