The difference between liquid hand soap and dish soap.


Can dish soap be effectively used to wash hands?

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are formulated slightly differently, but ultimately do the same job.

So dish soap will be more concentrated, and be formulated with more of an emphasis on cutting through grease.

Hand soap on the other hand will be formulated with more of an emphasis on caring for your hands, so less harsh chemicals, and including things like moisturisers and lotions to better protect your skin.

So the soap aspect is essentially the same, but the strength and other elements added into it will vary to suit the desired need.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dish soap will clean your hands but also dry them out. It is made to dissolve fat on dirty dishes, it will have the same effect on your skin which will dry it out. Hand soap will be better for your skin in the long run but dish soap will also clean your hands.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. The primary difference is that dish soap is more heavily concentrated than liquid hand soap. It is at least as effective, although it is more likely to dry out your hands. Just use a few drops on your wet hands and watch it lather up! Then use some hand lotion.

[How Does Soap Work?](