The difference between mass, density and weight please.


The difference between mass, density and weight please.

In: 11

13 Answers

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Mass is, essentially, how many protons, neutrons, and electrons something contains. It’s how much physical matter is present.

Density is a function of volume and mass – how much physical matter is present in how much space. 10 pounds of physical matter in a one inch cube is far denser than 10 pounds of physical matter in a one foot cube, for example.

Weight is a function of mass and gravity (acceleration to be more precise). Because we developed all our measurements on earth one pound of mass is more or less equal to one pound of weight, because it’s based on earth’s gravity. Using the same unit (pound) for both is confusing, but for the average person in a day-to-day context mass and weight are functionally identical.

But one pound of mass is only about 1/6th a pound of weight on the moon, because there’s less gravity up there.

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