The difference between post-postmodernism and postmodernism


From my own limited understanding, (and dangerously something I find myself agreeing with despite having a comically dumbed down understanding of it), Po-PoMo is an extension of PoMo that says:
“Yes, truth is not absolute, and no one truly knows everything. However that’s not helpful for guiding us in our decisions.”

Which involves the introduction of the concept of faith. Faith not in the religious sense, but the complete trust and belief in something. I know that the concept of gravity isn’t objectively true, but I take it on faith that it is. It’s easier to deal with things that matter when you delegate other parts not important relative to you to faith.

That’s my understanding of Po-PoMo, its PoMo + faith. At least that’s Turner’s version of Po-PoMo, and before I dive into his book, I’d love some rudimentary explanation of Po-PoMo

In: Other

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Not sure about the choice of “faith” as a primary descriptor is apt here. I would use the more general term of “sincerity” instead. po-po-mo is about recognising when, and crucially when not to, apply the valuable methods po-mo introduced.

Po-mo leads to a lot of problems, from obfuscating the values we perceive to truly matter (and in the end, that’s identical to just matter plainly), to rising societal cynicism. It’s hard to not see a connection between the rising cultural disenfranchisement/alienation/escapism of young people (especially males) and post-modernism, when all the ideals (not the specific implementation detail is important, but the sheer presence) of former generations have become deconstructed and ridiculed into self-congratulatory irrelevancy.

If you know Hegel/Fichte, po-po-mo (whatever your specific flavour) is essentially a synthesis of modernist thesis and post-modernist anti-thesis: a synthesis. For example, I would describe the core ideal of young internet culture as metamodernist (nowadays you have to add “young” or people think you talk about Facebook). [Somewhat related](