the difference between sugar the food and blood sugar?


I dont know why but this is one of those things I just cant make sense of even with Google. So is sugar found in blood and the body there from eating sugar or a natural accurance regardless of diet? Is sugar as a food and blood sugar completly seperate things? This has bothered me for 2 decades. Explain it like I am 3 please.

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Food sugar is sucrose and blood sugar is glucose.

Glucose is the sugar that the body can use; all sugars are broken down by the body to turn into glucose before they can be used.

Glucose is kept in the blood to give all the cells energy when they need it.

Food sugar is broken down by digestion, the breaking down of food by the stomach, and sucrose has to go through a chemical transformation to turn into its usable form- Glucose!

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