The earth’s magnetic north pole is shifting at a speed of about 30 mph. How does GPS remain accurate while the north pole continues moving?


The earth’s magnetic north pole is shifting at a speed of about 30 mph. How does GPS remain accurate while the north pole continues moving?

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9 Answers

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This all assumes you have an iPhone.

Put your phone on a stable, level surface. Open the compass app and see what degree it is pointing towards.

Without moving your phone go to settings-> compass and turn on/off “True North” and go back to the compass app.

You will probably notice a few degrees difference between the two.

“True North” is the place we have all agreed upon as the North Pole, and same for the South. These true points are not in the precise same location as the magnetic pole.

As everyone else has explained, GPS is based upon True North. This just helps you experiment with it yourself.

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