The earth’s magnetic north pole is shifting at a speed of about 30 mph. How does GPS remain accurate while the north pole continues moving?


The earth’s magnetic north pole is shifting at a speed of about 30 mph. How does GPS remain accurate while the north pole continues moving?

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9 Answers

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GPS is not based on earth’s magnetic field at all, it is bases on signals from satellites in earth orbit. GPS devices can have a magnetic field sensor to determine the direction they point but is not relevant for determining the position.

There is ways to determine the north without using the magnetic field, gyrocompasses use forces produces when the earth rotates and points to the geographical north pool not magnetic. That has been the standard on larger ships since WWI

If you navigate with magnetic compares the moment of the magnetic poles can be a relevant factor so it where on earth you are and you need to compensate for it. There is maps on the difference of magnetic and true direction

Because of the location of the magnetic poles, the moment in a year has a minimal effect because the long-distance makes the direction change minimal in most places.

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