The Endocannabiniod System in the Human Body and its Relation with CBD.


The Endocannabiniod System in the Human Body and its Relation with CBD.

In: Biology

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Endocannabinoids are a type of neurotransmitter, used to pass information between neurons They may be released by one cell onto another to communicate but are also known to be used in retrograde communication in which one neuron releases neurotransmitter onto another, and that neurons releases some amount of endocannabinoid back onto the first cell in response – this basically allows a neurons to say “message received” to each other.

We find receptors for endocannabinoids all over the brain so they are likely involved in most processes to some degree. There are a particularly large amount in some areas associated with memory, appetite, sleep, and the stress response, all of which we know are altered by the effects of drugs which activate the receptors like cannabis, so endocannabinoids seem particularly important for these functions. They are also involved in the “runner’s high”, or the pleasant feeling following exercise, as well as in blocking pain signals at the level of the spinal cord.

CBD’s mechanism is poorly understood but funnily enough doesn’t seem to function primarily through interacting with the endocannabinoid system. It does seem to be able to block the receptors under the right conditions but it’s yet to be shown that this actually contributes to its function. Likely candidates for its method of action are modifying the way cells release calcium, altering the action of various G-protein coupled receptors, altering endorphin activity, altering the electrical activity of cells, and its potent anti inflammitory activity.

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