The idea that travelling at the speed of lìght makes one age at a different rate to those of their home planet.


I need someone to make sense of it for me. I appreciate the clock scenario where it stays at 12 o’clock if you move away from it at the speed of lìght, but regardless of how fast someone travels, their body will still age just as fast as anyone else (roughly). I don’t understand how just putting distance between someone’s self and the rest of Earth would somehow make them age at a slower rate? You’re aging, just further away..

Hope this makes sense!

In: Physics

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

More like “time slows down for people who move really fast”. Obviously you’ll age. This is some of the weird stuff that the theory of relativity says will happen as you approach light speed, along with things like effectively becoming heavier.

If you took some kind of space ship capable of nearly light speed and went to visit a planet 1000 light years away it will take 1000 years to get there. However on the ship you might experience only 1 year of time for the trip depending on your speed. Obviously you age that year, need to be put in some kind of sleep/stasis or have a year’s worth of food for you, and all that science fiction stuff. But time for you is slowed down because of the high speed.

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