The illusion of choice, what does that even mean?


The illusion of choice, what does that even mean?

In: Other

5 Answers

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The illusion of choice is about inducing a senses of control and a target person’s feeling of choice, even when it may not be real or substantial in relation to that feeling.

A simple example is that I might have a different experience as an employee if I think I have access to a lot of other jobs, whereas I might not enjoy _the exact same job_ if I think it’s the only one I can have. If it’s the availability of _choice_ that creates my difference in the experience of thing that is otherwise unchanged then that is “the illusion of choice”.

More subtle is putting people into what many call “a decision box”. Imagine you’re experiencing a sales conversation in a clothing store. The question on your mind is “do I need anything “. The sales person moves to push you into a decision box that is “are you looking for something for 2pm on Monday or something for 10pm on Friday?”. This reframes things to a more favorable “choice” for the seller, but if you still feel like you’re in charge here compared to the original choice you’re…..not…you’ve just experienced an illusion of choice which you still feel like you’re in control, but the sense of still having control over choice has actually removed a a whole layer of choice making.

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