The importance of flossing your teeth and why your teeth bleeds when you do it.


The importance of flossing your teeth and why your teeth bleeds when you do it.

In: Biology

5 Answers

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Bacteria build up in your mouth. Plaque is basically the bacteria poop after its done snacking on left overs in your mouth. Brushing gets rid of the plaque, mouth wash gets rid of the bacteria. However, there are some places brushing cannot reach. This is inbetween your teeth. Food and therefore bacteria can get in there and cause damage. This is where your gums come in. The gum meat is very fragile and the bacteria can eventually erode it away. once gone it doesn’t grow back.

i have bad receding gum lines and i am due for gum graft surgery that is going to cost me 7,500 dollars after insurance. Dental health is critical. Floss daily, brush at least twice, use antimicrobial mouthwash before bed.

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