The Lockean Proviso


What is it? What does it mean? I don’t understand the wikipedia article at *all*, please help

In: Other

3 Answers

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It is a feature of John Locke’s labour theory of property, and it basically means that while it is ok to exploit natural resources to build for yourself, you must leave enough for others.

For example:
You want to build a house. To do this, you must chop down 10 trees.
In area 1, there are only 10 trees. Building your house would take away all available trees in this area, so no one else would be able to build a house in this area. According to the Provisio, this is wrong.
In area 2, there are 30 trees. Building your house would leave 20 trees, enough for other people to build their house in this area as well. Therefore, according to the Provisio, building your house here is ok.

Basically, it means “Don’t be greedy!”

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