The math behind cords getting tangled.


I’m curious if there is some grand equation, or if it is compounding complexity as the cord gets more and more tangled toward a “tangle equilibrium,” where it can’t get tangled anymore? Thanks!

In: 11

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I can help fixing it, I let the “why/how” to others:

There are 2 main causes of tangling, and both have to do with the wire-cord-cable-rope tendency to twist.

1 for electric wires, the conductor inside is made of many copper wires twisted. If you pull the cable often enough, the core untwists itself and applies a twisting force to the cable. Aka, don’t pull electric cables if not necessary.

2 for everything: storing something is the cause of the twisting. If you wind up a wire in a circle, you are also twisting it. You let it rest twisted, it “memorize” the shape and when you use it again it will twist on himself.

This can be prevented by:

A: store the thing in a 8 shape instead of a circle. Perfect for long things.

B: grab both ends of the cable, put them together, then wind the cable in a circle, around something, as you like. Because you are doing a circle with both half of the cable, the result will be the cable memorize the twist 50% one way and 50% the other way. When used again the two twisting will counter each other. Works wonders with short things like phone chargers, headsets, audio cables.

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