the mechanics of drinking yourself to death


You hear this sometimes “oh Jimmy? Yeah he drank himself to death after his wife died” But this actually possible? Does the body reach a point where it can’t process alcohol at a certain point?

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30 Answers

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A BAC of 0.5% is enough that most people will die of alcohol poisoning. As far as I know you’re legally intoxicated at 0.1% or less (0.08% here) in any state in the US. Most people will be puking at 0.3% and pass out by 0.4%. But depending on how quickly your body processes alcohol and how quickly you were drinking it’s quite possible for your BAC to continue to rise for quite a while after you stop drinking.

Aside from a single binge drinking session sometimes being fatal, the symptoms of alcoholism can also be fatal. You can, for all intents and purposes, kill your liver with regular heavy drinking over a period of time. And there’s even one case study floating around about a guy who died from sodium deficiency after eating nothing and drinking only beer for several weeks.

In short, there’s lots of ways to drink yourself to death, but usually it’s either binge drinking to the point of alcohol poisoning or liver cirrhosis.

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