The mocking saying “I have a beach front property in Kansas to sell you”


Okay, I understand Kansas is a landlocked state ocean-wise, But!!!

Does it not have rivers or lakes at all?

Are the shores of lakes and rivers not considered proper beaches?

Does the term “beach front property” only apply to residencies near the ocean or at least a very large sea?

None of the above but nobody cares?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are overthinking it.

“You’re so dumb you’d buy a ‘beach house’ far away from the beach! Hah hah!” That’s it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In general when people talk about beachfront property they are talking about property overlooking the sea, not a river or a lake .

Anonymous 0 Comments

Milford and Tuttle lakes are huge and very under-utilized. If you are retired and don’t need to go to work each day (not much of a job market here), then Milford / Tuttle provides a LOT of waterfront property at reasonable rates.

And by “reasonable” I mean horrible, but…slightly less horrible than ocean-front property.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re overthinking it, but also no, people don’t refer to lakefront or riverfront houses and beachfront properties. They refer to them as I just did. “Beachfront” is reserved for houses on the ocean beach, at least in the US.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is the descendant of an old joke from the 60’s about California and the San Andreas fault. People talked about California falling into the sea, so people were selling beach front property in Arizona. This paralleled an even older joke line about selling you swampland in Florida.

So, it became a generalized joke about selling beachfront property in (land locked location).

Anonymous 0 Comments

So you buy a “beach front” property in Kansas. It’s next to a small river with 1′ of sandy shore. It’s technically a “beach” and offers zero beach related fun, and is in a farm town with nothing to do other than grow corn, and you don’t have corn, just your beach.

Wow. Great buy. 👍