The NES and Gameboy Color are both considered 8-Bit. What are the technical differences in the graphics that allowed GBC games to look so different?


One thing I’ve noticed is that on Gameboy Color, there appears to be actually less allowable colors on screen, however Gameboy Color games seem to in general look impressive compared to most NES games. I have a bit of technical understanding but I bet there’s a lot of folks out there who really know their stuff when it comes to the hardware specs and limitations.

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well keep in mind in addition to the bit size there were a lot of technological advancements. The GBC processor was 3 times faster than the one in the NES (you can see them on wiki). The GameBoy Color cartridges also supported up to 8 MB of data, while NES cartridges only had 512 KB of space at best (increased over time). So you could store far more graphics data in GBC games and still have more room for the plot and whatever else.

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