The physics that make the double bounce on a trampoline so effective and at launching kids so high in the air.


The physics that make the double bounce on a trampoline so effective and at launching kids so high in the air.

In: Physics

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A trampoline works by storing energy in springs. When the trampoline is pressed down the springs extend and will then contract lifting the trampoline back up, launching the person standing on it.

The double bounce is just a way to store extra energy for an extra powerful launch. So one person press down on the trampoline, storing energy in the springs. Then the other person lands, pressing down further and storing even more energy. Then all this energy is released into the person who just landed who is launched twice as high.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you land on a trampoline, the weight of your body landing loads the webbing and springs with potential energy.

More people landing on the webbing at the same time creates more potential energy on the trampoline.

Once those other people jump, all that potential is passed to the person in the middle, where most of that energy is focused and boom goes the dynamite.