The “privilege of pacifism”, esp. regarding blacks and black trans women


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How is being able to turn the other cheek privilege? *Assuming it is*. This is not a political/social debate of *whether it is*. I want the reasoning behind the statement.

In: Culture

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its a complex issue but the very basic version is: If people are threatening you (even implicitly) and those same people have the power to do so, you don’t really have the option to just tell them not to or treat them peacefully and expect them to suddenly have a change of heart. If there’s no threat, you have the privilege of being in a position to treat others however you want (peacefully for example) without anyone being reasonably able to take advantage of that

To further illustrate: if a person living in early 1940s Germany was a straight Caucasian Christian, they had a privilege of being peaceful if the Nazis showed up at their door. Jewish people however, would have to fight or risk imprisonment in a concentration camp, or even death. There was no chance to reason with them

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