the reason why the Many Worlds Theory results in such vastly different Newtonian/macro worlds?


I understand that electrons diverge and create new universes. But surely these changes that occur with individual electrons dont result in such vastly different macro worlds? To the point that in one universe Im wearing a clown costume playing water polo because an electron in a laser behaved spun right instead of left.

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To make sense of it, it’s important to note that “Many Worlds” is an *interpretation* of the math of quantum mechanics, not a “theory” in the scientific definition of the word.

There are many other interpretations of quantum mechanics that involve no extra universes or alternate pasts or alternate futures.

Separately, the physicist J.S. Bell wrote a paper showing how the “Many Worlds” interpretation converges with the totally separate interpretation of the physicist Bohm, if you remove the philosophical aspects of particle *ontology* from the Many Worlds Interpretation.

At that point, the interpretation is 100% in the realm of philosophy, because it concerns itself with human concepts in a physical *model*, not the underlying physical predictions of the theory.

Max Jammer’s books on the [Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics]( are considered classics in the field, covering the details of non-relativistic quantum mechanics interpretations, with tons of citations to source material.

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