The uneasiness and supposed sensory perturbation that we feel in the presence of infrasound


The uneasiness and supposed sensory perturbation that we feel in the presence of infrasound

In: Physics

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A part of this is the frequency is either at the lowest part of human hearing or is felt, triggering instincts we have.

The fact that the noise is felt in a general area – unlike higher frequency sounds, causes feelings of awe and unease.

Some people may have a lower than normal threshold of hearing. So in a group, one person may say “Do you hear that?” while the other person is freaking out as the *feel* the noise and their innards are vibrating.

Another part is that the sounds have been shown to vibrate the eye and cause visual hallucinations. Infrasound at ~18hz is close to the [resonant frequency]( of the human eye.

[From Wikipedia](

>”In presenting the evidence to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Professor Richard Wiseman said “These results suggest that low frequency sound can cause people to have unusual experiences even though they cannot consciously detect infrasound. Some scientists have suggested that this level of sound may be present at some allegedly haunted sites and so cause people to have odd sensations that they attribute to a ghost—our findings support these ideas.””