The USSR under Stalin was exposed to a lot of propaganda and facts were conveniently altered, so how did historians decide what was likely the truth about that time period?


The USSR under Stalin was exposed to a lot of propaganda and facts were conveniently altered, so how did historians decide what was likely the truth about that time period?

In: 128

9 Answers

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There are reports that everything was counted. There was a quota for items and often it was reported that the quotas were fulfilled. Your job might depend on that quota. But can you move whatever it is around so it seems that the quota was made yet not. Here in the US we had a system Double entry bookkeeping. 1 showing how much we reported to the government. 2 how much was really made. There are ways to do the opposite.

So warehouse 1 and 2 are counted Monday. You take the inspector out for drinks and warehouse 3 and 4 are filled with those same goods. Tuesday inspection numbers are great. Reports back to central committee. But somehow appartment heating units are never as available as they should be. But all the records show on paper they are. Energy, raw materials can give you some idea of growth but it is a bit harder to say what it wasn’t used for in the overall economy.

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