The whole house rests on the foundation or it will sink. What does the foundation rest on? Why doesn’t the foundation sink just as easily?


I get that some foundations do have sinking issues, but how does having a foundation help? If the foundation is poured and solidifies, what stops the weight of the house from immediately sinking/tilting the foundation?

In: 2809

31 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Soil or substrate that is known to be unstable or shifting is tested by soil engineers and a remediation plan is made by which a certain amount of virgin soil is dug up and ‘better’ soil is brought in and compressed a bit at a time with testing done between layers by soil engineers. We live in an area that has patchy areas of unstable soil (river delta) and build houses. Stable soil obviously doesn’t need this remediation. The foundation, whether concrete monolith or pier and beam is constructed to carry the weight well and evenly when building codes are adhered to.

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