The women’s soccer pay gap


I saw that the women’s soccer team makes less than the men’s (USA). I also saw that the men’s teams make 9% of the total revenue while the women make 13% of the total revenue. Is there a source of money that women are not getting or something? If they want to increase the pay where would the money come from?

EDIT: There’s a bill that was introduced that would shut down the US hosting the World Cup until the pay gap was fixed. My question is how would it get fixed? I understand the women generate less revenue therefor make less. So how would they get paid more? If they were to increase the percentage they make from the revenue it would pay them more but then that would be unfair to the males.

In: Economics

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of it as the difference between a garage band, and a big name band with a record deal.

The garage band doesn’t have any other ‘riders’ on their income. When they get paid for a gig, the members all split the money, and don’t have to pay anyone else.

The big name band’s record label gets a cut of his profits… but he makes a *ton* more money. The garage band makes a couple grand a year, and keep all of it. The big name band makes millions, and keeps hundreds of thousands.

The women’s team is getting a larger cut of a much smaller pie, because womens soccer isn’t as popular. It doesn’t get paid as much for ads, or get as large a payout for sponsorship deals, because not as many people are watching.

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