theoretically if an alien from another exoplanet with a much stronger gravity from ours comes here could that alien be able to levitate/fly on Earth?


theoretically if an alien from another exoplanet with a much stronger gravity from ours comes here could that alien be able to levitate/fly on Earth?

In: Physics

6 Answers

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What makes you think that? An alien from a higher gravity planet would have to be much stronger and stockier to support itself. Think of it like a submarine on earth: it’s built to be neutrally buoyant in water, which is a lot denser than air, just like the atmosphere on a higher-gravity planet would be. There’s no way in hell you could get it to fly because the wings it would need would create too much drag in the environment it evolved in. Or like an elephant transported to Mars. Massive is still massive.

Could this creature jump like a beast though? Maybe. But probably not to truly fly.

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