there’s been a lot of talk about internal monologues recently, what exactly does it mean? and how can i tell if i have one?


there’s been a lot of talk about internal monologues recently, what exactly does it mean? and how can i tell if i have one?

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

How do you think? Is it in words, sounds, pictures, or feelings.

Most people think in all four at different times, but tend to preference one or two of them.

Just… Don’t overthink this. A lot of people here have been self diagnosing themselves as not being able to think with an inner voice or not having a visual imagination because of poor communication. A lot of people use analogs to the senses and describe “seeing” images or “hearing” a voice and people who read that go “oh, I don’t hallucinate and all I hear is my tinnitus” and dismiss their otherwise perfectly standard imagination or inner voice because it doesn’t actually manifest itself in reality. It’s a thin, etheral feeling created in your mind. If you describe an apple to yourself in silence, how do you do it?

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