They say that 650 million people watched the moon landing. How do they take in to account how many people were watching on the same television?


They say that 650 million people watched the moon landing. How do they take in to account how many people were watching on the same television?

In: Other

12 Answers

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Back then, there were services that would do statistical studies. Nielson which might have heard of was one. We would occasionally get a log book and were asked to track what we watched. At the end of the period, the books were mailed back.

There were some that had electrical devices that you pushed a button on to indicate if you were watching abc, cbs, or nbc. There were only a few Channels back then.

I can’t confirm this, but it would be possible for companies to take polls, much like politicians do today and ask questions like “Did you watch? How many people?l and then with a small sample size of 1000 or so, you can extrapolate a total.

The other measuring services used similar statistical models to guess the number of viewers.

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