To what extent are your adult physical features pre determined vs random?


As in, is it always somehow within one’s genetic code to “stop” growing at a certain height, hand size, etc. or do these traits self-regulate as one gets older? Do we even know the answer to this?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s also heavily affected by nurture (nutrition, sleep, health ailments and illnesses, injuries, allergies, etc. etc.)

There’s a pretty good study of it in that attempt facial reconstruction scientists made when they tried to create the face of suspected criminals based on DNA evidence that was left at the scene. The results are so varied and affected by “random” nurture variations that it’s kind of ill-advised to use for actually identifying a suspect.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Both. Generally your genetics sets sort of an upper bound (like, under ideal conditions you would max at out 6ft), but then environmental stuff like poor diet can hold you back from that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s mostly genetic but can be acted on by outside forces. Like if you don’t have enough nutrients your body will cut corners in height or muscle or so on. But if you have all you need your body is genetically predisposed

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are genetic traits, but there is a lot of random in how they are inheirited from the parents. To execute those traits, you need the right amounts of food and exercise. Genetic forensic height predictions are usually within 2-3%, but that’s because most of the subjects have adequate nutrition.