: Today’s smartphones have more megapixels than some of the dslr cameras. Can they be better if not how so?


I know dslr cameras have a lot of customization options but other than that how are they better? Also I would be appreciated if someone explains “megapixels” to me in this sense.

Edit : Thank you all for the great answers, cheers!

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think the new battleground for smartphone cameras is in the software & algorithms, like night mode. It’s amazing what an iPhone 11 or any Google Pixel phone can do in low light.

The smartphones sort of hit their peak with megapixels because phones only have so much room for camera sensor size. So if you see a smartphone manufacturer boasting about pixels nowadays, I’d guess that’s not a good thing. It means they’re run out of things to do to improve their camera or their software/algorithms are a bit behind. And like they explained above, lots of small pixels doesn’t necessarily make for a better picture.

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