: Today’s smartphones have more megapixels than some of the dslr cameras. Can they be better if not how so?


I know dslr cameras have a lot of customization options but other than that how are they better? Also I would be appreciated if someone explains “megapixels” to me in this sense.

Edit : Thank you all for the great answers, cheers!

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sensor size, dslr or (mirrorless system camera) are mostly in full frame, apsc or m43 format (864mm2, 329mm2, 225mm2 Sensor area), while good phone sensor are around 1/2.3” (~30mm2). More area means more light captured and you need less software to reduce image noise, and with correct lens you get a very shallow depth of field (lot of bokeh, portrait mode simulates it with multiple lens on phone).

Another difference is that you can swap lens on the fly, and you have optical zoom, it’s more versatile. But a good lens can cost more than most phones..

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