: Today’s smartphones have more megapixels than some of the dslr cameras. Can they be better if not how so?


I know dslr cameras have a lot of customization options but other than that how are they better? Also I would be appreciated if someone explains “megapixels” to me in this sense.

Edit : Thank you all for the great answers, cheers!

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Megapixel is the (approximate/rounded) amount of pixels used to capture the image.
5000*5000 pixel in a square would be 25 megapixel.

One pixel is (simplified) a single dot with a certain colour/brightness.

The more dots you use, the sharper you can make the image.

But: a lot of other factors also determine the quality of the image. Everything above 5-15 megapixel is more than sharp enough to make images that look good. More megapixel only help if you enlarge a tiny portion of that image or want to put the photo on poster size.

The most important quality is size – size of the individual pixels and size of the lens – as a bigger lens will simply let more light into the camera, which makes it easier to get the accurate color.

So DSLR will have a better quality in almost all situations. (If you want to enlarge a specific portion of the picture, with a DSLR you can attach the correct lens, and the lens will enlarge it.

Current smartphones show a incredible quality though, and are up to the task for many situations.

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