tornadoes vs hurricanes vs typhoons vs cyclones 🌪️🌪️



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12 Answers

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Hurricanes and typhoons are both types of powerful cyclone storms. Cyclone is a general word for spinning storms that originate over tropical or subtropical waters. The only difference between a typhoon and a hurricane, is the place where they form.

In the Atlantic ocean, it’s a hurricane, in the Pacific, it’s a typhoon.

Other cyclones include “tropical storms”, and “tropical depressions”, which are weaker versions of the same thing.

Tornados are the odd one out here. Tornados are spinning portions of thunderstorms, but they don’t form the same way that typhoons or hurricanes do. They often form in situations where 2 different temperature weather fronts mix and create smaller bits that spin. The exact cause of formation of tornados is still unknown.

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