Towing a Tesla.


If you add a current to an electrical motor it will provide physical force. If you apply a physical Force onto an electrical motor it will become a generator. So what happens if you need to tow a Tesla? Could it potentially damage the batteries due to over charging?

In: Engineering

5 Answers

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I think Teslas use a regenerative brakes, basically when brakes are applied there is a assembly that will act as a generator and recharge the battery though its not 100% efficient.

Towing the car would not cause that issue. Because simply put

Battery —-> Motor —–> Movement

Battery <—- Motor <—- movement (Not possible)

Battery —–>Generator —->movement (Not possible)

Battery <—–Generator <—–Movement

A generator converts mechanical to electrical based on the build normally brushes creating a magnetic field yada yada yada.

A motor converts the electrical into mechanical energy. A motor cannot act as a generator.

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