Washing Machine Agitation


Washing machines used to agitate back and forth. Now they agitate only in one direction. Is someone able to explain why? I posted this in what I considered relevant forums and they told me it was too simplistic for them to bother with. So, I’m trying here.

edit: I don’t have a front load washer, mine is top load. And it only agitates in one direction. I do appreciate your answers and they make sense to me. But I still don’t get why a top load washer would do the same thing. (It is high efficiency, it’s just not front load. I’m not fond of those.) And I put Engineering because it’s the only flair that seemed to fit.

In: 1

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not a laundry engineer or anything … but I think it’s cause the newer front load machines are high efficiency ie. use less water.

The older top loads used a lot of water and the agitator whirlwinded all the clothes as they were submerged. The newer ones don’t fill up so have to continuously rotate the clothes through the water that sits in the bottom.

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