Wavelength corresponds to colour, but how?


Between the input (wavelength) and output (colour), what occurs? How do we receive 650nm, for example, and interpret it as red? What even is red? What is colour, really?

In: Physics

6 Answers

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Color is just how your eyes react to a particular wavelength. For most people, the reaction to a particular wavelength is the same, so we all agree that wavelength correspond to a certain color (ex. red), just like if scientists measure a wavelength of 1cm, we all agree that this is a microwave. People who are colorblind has a different response in their eye so they can’t agree with the rest of us on that color.

Another analogy would be that for most people, getting pinched (input) is a “painful” sensation (response), getting tickled (input) is a “funny” sensation (response). For certain people who can’t feel pain, they have a hard time relating.

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