We have two eyes, so, how do we have one cohesive vision instead of two separate eyesights?


We have two eyes, so, how do we have one cohesive vision instead of two separate eyesights?

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3 Answers

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Two eyes provide stereoscopic vision, which is the same thing from two slightly different locations. We use the difference to determine distance.

If you look at animals predators have two eyes that look forward because good depth perception is an advantage in a hun.

Carnivores often have eyes that point to the sides. That way they can see a large percentage of the area around them. That way it they have a better chance of spotting a predator and have time to get away.

Compare where the eye is on a cat versus a rabbit

It is not just hunting but other things like distance if you swing and jump between branches in trees. So primate has eyes that point forward even if the are not primary predators.

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