What a neural network is and how it’s used to learn cars to drive themselves


What a neural network is and how it’s used to learn cars to drive themselves

In: Technology

4 Answers

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For your Tesla-specific case, imagine trying to program diving. It’s very hard. You could let the system watch someone drive and learn that way, but one driver is only going to encounter so many situations, and those situations will vary slightly from what others will encounter. In a famous crash case, imagine the truck across the highway, but it happens to be lit perfectly so it blends in with the sky.

Now imagine letting it learn from a million drivers at the same time, data from billions of miles driven every year. It’s going to encounter many variations on situations and even very rare situations. It’s going to learn how the driver avoided a crash or how he crashed.

All that learning gets fed back into Autopilot so it can drive better while Autopilot itself keeps feeding new information back in.

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