What about looking at someone smile makes involuntary smiling of one’s self?


I’ve always been someone to have a serious resting face while doing anything. My day was stressful and long, so I had virtually nothing I could think of to smile about. Once home from work, I turned the tv on for background noise as I cleaned. While I was up doing so, I glanced at the tv and there was a particular scene that made the camera linger on a character smiling, and cause me to involuntary smile until the scene changed. What caused that to happen? I truly caught myself and was sort of shocked afterwards.

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans are naturally social creatures and we are programmed to live in groups. Because a smile is a sign of companionship, being comfortable, and “I’m not about to attack you and there’s nothing to worry about”, our brain has been wired by evolution to mirror a smile from another human as a way of communicating that we too see no reason to fight or be worried. It helps to keep groups together.

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