What about stress causes people’s health to decline and look older than are?


What about stress causes people’s health to decline and look older than are?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The human autonomic nervous system (the part responsible for things we aren’t aware of) primarily operates through two branches. The sympathetic nervous system is fight or flight and takes over in times of stress. The parasympathetic nervous system is for rest and digest, when detox, growth and repair happen (when we are chilled)
Any form of stress (physical, mental or emotional) will trigger the fight or flight response, meaning that we are now not effectively detoxing (eliminating wastes) or repairing damaged cells and tissue. A build up of toxins and a lack of repair of healthy tissues causes a deterioration of tissue quality and we will look aged.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes to an extent. Cut out processed foods and do intermittent fasting. Fasting had been scientifically proven to prolong longevity in all species experimented on.