What are algebra functions and how do they work?


Trying to explain to my high schooler in simple terms so he (and I) can get it. He sees f(x) and just shuts down.

Thanks for all the answers. I will try these. He panics when he has math because he was called “stupid” and put in a slow learners class in elementary school.

In: Mathematics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s like a magic box that does a specific thing, and let’s you put anything in, and outputs another thing that has that initial thing applied to it.

Let’s say f(x) = toaster
If I do f(bread), I’m inserting bread into the toaster, and I’m going to get toast
If I do f(bagel), I’m inserting a bagel into the tater, and I’ll get a toasted bagel

You could think about the “cloud to butt” plugin on a web browser that replaces every instance of the word “cloud” with “butt”

f(cloud) = this is a sentence with the word cloud in it
f(butt) = this is a sentence with the word butt in it

I hope that the non-math examples help.

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