What are all of the things that apply to how hard someone can punch?


I’m a combat sports fan, and I have always wondered why there are matches where a heavyweight boxer has a significant weight advantage over his opponent, but then his opponent still hits way harder, despite the 40+ pound difference. But that was just one of my examples, what are almost if not all of the factors that determine how hard a person can hit?

I know that weight and actual punching technique are the two main ones, but I can’t think of much more, other than say your bones in your hands, and maybe just being explosive in general.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

body mass can absorb own energy, being less rigid, and definitely reduces speed wich is a key factor in kinetic energy. also 40- could mean leaner and/or shorter body, giving the advantage of a better leverage to the ground on the impact.
sometimes for a heavy fighter is not about how hard, but IF he can hit a lighter and more agile fighter. he has to compromise his technique and significantly reduce the hit span in order to be faster, but those big arms need a lot of runway to gain momentum, so they’re not gainig to much force 🙂

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