What are black holes and what happens to the things that get swallowed up?


What are black holes and what happens to the things that get swallowed up?

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7 Answers

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Simply – Extremely dense objects, their center is called a singularity. It’s a point in space with infinite density created by extremely high gravity. There is no difference between mass and energy there.

Around the singularity an event horizon is created. Event horizon is the black sphere you see when you think Black hole and it consists of… nothing. It’s just a radius where the gravity pull of the singularity is strong enough to even suck in light. It is impossible to leave the event horizon when you cross the edge.

If you would get swallowed up, let’s assume you’re going feet first, at some point the difference of force between your feet and your head would be so great that that it would start tearing your body apart atom by atom from the bottom up. Your mass would then join the singularity.

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