What are black holes and what happens to the things that get swallowed up?


What are black holes and what happens to the things that get swallowed up?

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7 Answers

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They are regions of space where matter has been compressed so densely that it has a significantly large “event horizon” inside which, not even light has enough energy to escape. They can have huge accretion disks of matter around them and produce strong gravitational lensing, so if you were close to one it could potentially look something like the one in *Interstellar* (which would be totally awesome.)

What happens to things that get swallowed up? As far as I know we can’t be sure, because no information can leave the black hole~. But presumably objects get reduced to atoms by the powerful gravity and added to the black hole’s mass.

~I’m not 100% certain of this thanks to the decay they undergo, someone correct me if I’m wrong.

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