what are Charter schools


So I’ve seen some stuff about charter schools but I’m not from the states and don’t think my country has them (if they do I’m not aware and they aren’t well know).

They seem a little controversial and I’m not getting why (apart from what seems like gentrification. But again don’t know what they are so I might be wrong) so please ELI5

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24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re basically just state-funded schools that have substantially more autonomy than normal. The main reason they are controversial is because often someone has some ulterior motive for operating them. Some are effectively run by extremist religious movements, and others by profit-making companies, for example.

> don’t think my country has them (if they do I’m not aware and they aren’t well know).

There are many different variants with different names in different parts of the world. In the UK, we have “free schools”, “foundation schools”, and “academies”, not to mention several kinds of state-funded religious schools, because our governments love privatisation and conservative religious movements so much that they have gone through several different waves of promoting both in education.

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