What are compressed and uncompressed files, how does it all work and why compressed files take less storage?


What are compressed and uncompressed files, how does it all work and why compressed files take less storage?

In: Technology

27 Answers

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Imagine you wrote a cool code where every time there were double letters, you replaced them with a number. Now lets say oo (two lower case Os) = 1, and ll (two lower-case Ls) = 2. Using that code:

balloon becomes ba21n: _balloon_ is 7 characters but _ba21n_ is only 5!

Now imagine that the pattern lloo happens alot, so you specify a special code for that. We’ll use 9 for that.

Now _balloon_ becomes _ba9n_ which is only four characters!

Of course it’s not that simple, but that’s compression in a nutshell. When you get longer strings of repetitive data (there are lots of zeros in files, for example) the compression gets even better.

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