What are growing pains?


What causes them?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This reply may not answer your question but I feel I should provide an experience I had. Growing up I was told by family and my doctor that I was going through growing pains because I would experience terrible pain in my knees and shins, especially when playing sports. From the ages of 10-16. Fast forward a few years later and I saw a foot specialist after my chiropractor noticed I was pronated when standing. Turns out, my pain was from not having enough support under my arch in my feet! My pronation caused weight to unevenly distribute down my legs and gave me this intense pain. A simple pair of orthotics literally cured me and I started running again. Hopefully this might help someone if they are having similar issues. I know what it is like to call time-out and be carried off the field due to severity of pain and almost being in tears not being able to play.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Currently, we have absolutely no idea what causes them. The only thing we know for sure is that they don’t have anything to do with growing since the places they appear are rarely places associated with rapid growth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You bones and muscle do not always grow at the same time, so if one grows faster than the other, it can literally cause physical pain. My whole family has had it growing up. It lessens once in adolescence but doing stretches/yoga does help ease them a lot.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I could be recalling incorrectly, but I believe the pain sensation is generally caused by the stretching of ligaments/muscles which causes stress on the bones.