What are Kubernetes, Terraform and Ainsible


Hi guys.

I am new to the whole DevOps area. I have used Docker/docker-compose before but now I have to learn about Kubernetes. However, the concepts are hard to grasp. Ok so Kubernetes is Docker for multiple hosts, but what are the other 2 (i know they are somehow the same thing and they manage K8s, but what are they managing? Sorry, a bit too complicated for me :D). Thanks to anyone who is willing to help!

In: 5

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Kubernetes orchestrates pods so it’s more like docker compose and will place pods where they can go depending on resources requested.

Terraform is a cloud agnostic infrastructure as code language. Think like AWS cloud formation.

Ansible is configuration management software for setting up and configuring the OS, like Chef or Puppet.

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