What are rockets pushing against in space?


In order to move, you have to apply an equal force to something else, right? So how can rockets move in space where there are no particles?

In: Physics

15 Answers

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Wrong. Newton’s third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Imagine floating in space. If you throw a baseball you will drift in the opposite direction, but not as fast as your mass is a lot greater than the baseball. But the energy imparted to the ball, will be equal to the energy applied to your body.

Now instead of a baseball, use one of those huge medicine balls they made us toss around in gym class. The ball will move slower away from you, but you will move faster than you did with the baseball. The energy of the medicine ball is equal to the energy of your body.

Now instead of balls, we use a chemical explosion, that converts liquid fuel to fast expanding gas, you need to throw away a lot of gas very fast to move the heavy rocket quickly.

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